A (SPADES) = An untouchable. No Mark. Last Resort.
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (SPADES) = Known as "The Ladder of Respect", where the climb to the top - or to the 10 of Spades, is mapped and configured to levels of Popularity or Respect.
10 (SPADES) = The "Middle Men"; usually Authorized in their decision making of their Peers.
J (SPADES) = The serious Players in Politics and in money-making ideas.
Q (SPADES) = High Ranking Female Politicians that have lost their Status, Power or Seat upon a House.; usually through Shame or by Unanimous Vote of their Peers.

A (HEARTS) = Man/Woman who is placed at the highest position of any Functional Invite. The A-List of the Infamous world of Politics and Notoriety.
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (HEARTS) = The Ladder of Respect, though the corresponding number accompanying a HEART is often taken more seriously than if with a SPADE.
10 (HEARTS) = The "Middle Men"; usually Authorized in their decision making of their Peers.
J (HEARTS) = The Serious Players in Politics and in money-making ideas.
Q (HEARTS) = High Ranking Female Politicians; Queen's, Duchesses, Dames, Countesses and Ladies by title.

A (DIAMONDS) = The highest earning Businessman/Family Man - Mature and Headstrong in money matters.
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 = The Ladder of Respect, though the corresponding number accompanying a Diamond is seldom questioned by either a SPADE, HEART, or CLUB.
10 (DIAMONDS) = The "Middle Men"; usually given Authority to conduct Meetings, Investments and other Sensitive Business on behalf of their Peers.
J (DIAMONDS) = The Real Players in Politic's, who generally fight to keep control of their status from losing to the other JACKS.
Q (DIAMONDS) = Daughter's of King's and Queen's; Princesses, Tsar's, Duchesses, Countesses and Ladies of the Manor.

A (CLUBS) = The Rich and Successful Playboy.
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (CLUBS) = The Ladder of Respect, though the corresponding number accompanying a CLUB is never questioned by either a SPADE, HEART, or DIAMONDS.
10 (CLUBS) = The "Middle Men"; always given the Authority to conduct Meetings, Investments and other, more Sensitive Business on behalf of their Peers.
J (CLUBS) = The Major Players in Business and Decision Making Ideas that are Endorsed by their Peers.
Q (CLUBS) = PA's & Close Protector's to the Q's (Females).

K (SPADES) = Newly appointed King. His place is taken within one of the Four Houses that "Oversee" the Law Lords (aka "The Baker's Dozen). The King of SPADES is a Promoted Law Lord.
K (HEARTS) = The placement to oversee the entire Infrastructure of Political balance. The 3rd King of Power and Success.
K (CLUBS) = The position within the Main Houses, to oversee Foreign and Diplomatic Involvements. Military Commander over The Four Houses.
K (DIAMONDS) = The Highest Position of the Order and of all four Houses. Advocate to The Three Houses below them, Advisor to "Maximo Regna Veritatis" [The Grand Regal of Truth].

Contrary to belief "The House Of Grey" is the home of "The Watcher"; a single nominated Order Member who reports directly to "Maximo Regna Veritatis". Communication between the two High Status Members are sent down through the Hierarchy. Only "The House Of Grey" know's of the true identity of "Maximo Regna Veritatis". Once believed to be that of Balmoral, the home of The Queen of England, rumours spread shortly after WW2 that "The Royal's" had lost their seat upon the Order.
"Maximo Regna Veritatis"

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