Friday, 2025-02-14, 12:00 PM
Suburban Heat
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The Heat Release: Suburban Heat Arrives

It was in the summer of 1989, that amateur Writer/Author, MKDS wrote the very first notes on a small town tale story titled "Suburban Heat: The Rise of Sam". It was a reflection of personal experience's from the 500+ women that he had slept with over a twenty year period, and would include a descent into both destitution and depravity before the main character finds it within himself to ascend and learn from the many mistakes. These notes were the last to be written on the subject of "Suburban Heat" and the very last words spoken of Sam, the main character.

In 1992, MKDS gathered together his thoughts on writing something more....more in the way of volume rather than in topic, and so began to work on several different projects at the same time; some of these included novels such as 'On A Storyteller's Night', 'The Brotherhood of Justice', which was later changed to 'The Brotherhood of the Realms', and 'Severed Ties'. The rhythm of flicking from one novel to the other was considered simple, until in the winter of 1998 when things began to change in the Writer's life - and certainly not for the better. It was to be seven years later when the first of the novels would be picked up and continued once more.

2005 brought many changes, as by now, MKDS had been married for five years, had two daughters and become a very well-known Internet Poet, Blogger, Reporter and Article Writer on the 501 Niches. A huge step forward was the re-introduction of old ideas, such as "Suburban Heat” and a story-short by the name of "The Passion of Mrs Robson", which had already started raising a few interested eyebrows.

The future, however, as present history has proven, was to be in "The Brotherhood of the Realms", "On A Storyteller's Night Series", and "Suburban Heat". The title of the previous novel was shortened for reasons that the storyline was considered 'unworthy', and that a better storyline should be introduced as well as a more solid, stronger male lead character. Today, the novel takes shape around a Magazine owner whose untimely death leaves his entire estate and fortune to his only son, who through being forced to lead a sheltered life wants nothing to do with the company, and indeed, nothing to do with his estranged father's legacy.

Soon, the three chapter story of Xander O'Neil will be the talk of the town, while the many who read it will be notified of his future with the company.

© MKDS 2012. All Rights Reserved.


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