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Suburban Heat
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As many #Readers will already know, the long awaited novel by MKDS has finally been released across all platforms: #eBook/#Kindle and now #Paperback. Just under 740 pages, 13 Chapters (12 in the standard Edition) and charting a global journey, people can now have the option of buying from the Author himself, or from Amazon Bookstore. All Prices will *Exclude P&P from the Author, but remain a less expensive way of buying the Novel.

Novels | Views: 919 | Author: Marcus De Storm | Added by: MKDS67 | Date: 2015-11-12 | Comments (0)

As "Suburban Heat" is re-written for the 21st Century, as a Writer/Author, my primary goal is to bring a realistic feel to that of the Reader. If there was a vessel which could be touched when reaching out into fantasy, then "Suburban Heat" would be that one vessel that could best teach others.

As the first chapter nears its completion, that of "Chapter One: New Beginnings" will be fraught with many things both visual and stimulating in the ways of emotional responses, urges and the much needed imagination will be softened to a point where the human mind won't need to concentrate too much or over exert itself for a conclusion. The whole structure in which "Suburban Heat" has been built, not only has it surpassed a placement of "Pleasure", but also the measurements of "Taboo" also, which leaves the matter of "Gratification".

Building the following chapters up from that of the first, the tone increases, the lewdness deviates from mild to vulgar, sex scenes pulsate with battling mind-fields that bring "Flash-Back" to "Reality" and "Reality" to "Flashback", and so it never comes in any fixed order. The cast of characters will no doubt hit home the emotions, feelings, sentiments and ideals of many who read through the rough and ready dialogue of all who are involved, from a single moment to that point where there are more than a couple of sexually starved hot blooded adults towering over the bodies of their lovers.

Without a doubt, and without exaggerating in any way, shape or form to you - The Reader - it is "Suburban Heat" that will not hold back any punches where "Adult Theme" is concerned, and as such it is advised that you read with care, and that the contents are not repeated or shared outside the website. Of course, when the Novel is completed, the entire Synopsis and Release Notes will be posted here on this Website - as well as other Conduits that I use.

Buckle up and prepare for the journey....Its only just beginning....Enjoy.

New Beginnings [Chapter One] | Views: 1208 | Author: Marcus De Storm | Added by: MKDS67 | Date: 2012-08-14 | Comments (0)


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